Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was arrested on Friday over a corruption and influence-peddling scandal that led to mass protests and her removal from office, local media reported.
Park Geun-hye (Photo: Korean Culture and Information Service, CC BY-SA 2.0)Park became the country’s first democratically elected leader to be impeached and jailed. She has denied any wrongdoing.
A judge at the Seoul Central District Court issued a warrant to arrest Park on charges of bribery, abuse of power, coercion and leaking government secrets, citing a risk that if she might destroy evidence if she were not quickly taken into custody.
South Korea’s parliament voted overwhelmingly in December to impeach Park on allegations that she allowed her childhood friend Choi Soon-sil access to classified documents and privileged information. She is also accused of conspiring with Choi to solicit bribes from Samsung Group head Lee Jae-yong in return for government favors, such as the backing of a 2015 merger of two Samsung affiliates to solidify his control over the country’s largest chaebol conglomerate.
Park was formally removed from office on March 10, stripping her of immunity.
Both Choi and Lee have also been arrested on corruption charges.
Prosecutors allege Park blacklisted cultural figures she thought were critical of her policies and prohibited government agencies from financially supporting them. Her former aides have been arrested for helping to create and manage the blacklist of more than 9,000 artists, writers and filmmakers, Yonhap news agency reported.
Park was formally arrest after a nine-hour court hearing on Thursday and transferred to a detention center south of Seoul where Lee and Choi are also being held.
If convicted, Park could face between 10 years and life in prison, but her successor has the power to pardon her.
Бывшая глава Южной Кореи Пак Кын Хе была арестована в пятницу в связи с громким делом о коррупции и торговле влиянием, которое привело к массовым протестам и ее отставке, как сообщили местные СМИ.
Пак Кын Хе (Фото: Korean Culture and Information Service, CC BY-SA 2.0)
Пак стала первым в истории страны лидером, избранным демократическим путем, которому был объявлен импичмент и который оказался за решеткой. Сама она все обвинения отрицает.
Суд центрального административного округа Сеула выдал ордер на арест Пак по обвинениям во взяточничестве, злоупотреблении полномочиями, принуждении и разглашении государственных тайн, мотивировав это тем, что в случае промедления она может уничтожить улики.
В декабре южнокорейский парламент подавляющим большинством голосов проголосовал за импичмент Пак, связанный с предположениями о том, что она предоставила своей подруге детства Чхве Сун Силь доступ к секретным документам и конфиденциальной информации. Кроме того, Пак обвиняют в том, что они с Чхве вступили в преступный заговор с целью «выбить» у главы Samsung Group Ли Джэёна взятки в обмен на государственную поддержку, в частности содействие слиянию двух дочерних компаний Samsung в 2015 году с целью укрепления его контроля над крупнейшим в стране чеболем (чеболь — южнокорейская форма финансово-промышленных групп).
Пак была официально снята с занимаемой должности 10 марта и лишена неприкосновенности.
Чхве и Ли также были арестованы по обвинениям в коррупции.
По версии прокуратуры, Пак вела черный список, в который попадали деятели искусства, критиковавшие ее деятельность, и запрещала государственным ведомствам оказывать им финансовую поддержку. Ее бывшие помощники были арестованы за содействие в составлении и обновлении черного списка, в который попало более 9000 деятелей искусства, писателей и кинематографистов, как сообщает новостное агентство Yonhap.
Пак была официально арестована в четверг после девятичасового судебного слушания и переведена в следственный изолятор, расположенный к югу от Сеула, где также содержатся Ли и Чхве.
Если вина Пак будет доказана, ей грозит от 10 лет до пожизненного срока в тюрьме, однако у ее преемника будет право помиловать ее.
Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye was arrested on Friday over a corruption and influence-peddling scandal that led to mass protests and her removal from office, local media reported.
Park Geun-hye (Photo: Korean Culture and Information Service, CC BY-SA 2.0)Park became the country’s first democratically elected leader to be impeached and jailed. She has denied any wrongdoing.
A judge at the Seoul Central District Court issued a warrant to arrest Park on charges of bribery, abuse of power, coercion and leaking government secrets, citing a risk that if she might destroy evidence if she were not quickly taken into custody.
South Korea’s parliament voted overwhelmingly in December to impeach Park on allegations that she allowed her childhood friend Choi Soon-sil access to classified documents and privileged information. She is also accused of conspiring with Choi to solicit bribes from Samsung Group head Lee Jae-yong in return for government favors, such as the backing of a 2015 merger of two Samsung affiliates to solidify his control over the country’s largest chaebol conglomerate.
Park was formally removed from office on March 10, stripping her of immunity.
Both Choi and Lee have also been arrested on corruption charges.
Prosecutors allege Park blacklisted cultural figures she thought were critical of her policies and prohibited government agencies from financially supporting them. Her former aides have been arrested for helping to create and manage the blacklist of more than 9,000 artists, writers and filmmakers, Yonhap news agency reported.
Park was formally arrest after a nine-hour court hearing on Thursday and transferred to a detention center south of Seoul where Lee and Choi are also being held.
If convicted, Park could face between 10 years and life in prison, but her successor has the power to pardon her.