Discussion։ “Inclusive Governance: “the hidden” capital of Armenia”
On February 26, at 13:00, a discussion on the topic of “Inclusive Governance: “the hidden” capital of Armenia” will take place in the press room of “Noyan Tapan” News Agency (28 Isahakyan str., 3rd floor).
Organiser of the discussion: “Veles” human rights non-governmental organization
Informational sponsor of the discussion: “Noyan Tapan” News Agency
During the discussion, “Veles” human rights NGO will summarize the findings of the research and analysis on the inclusiveness of representatives of various vulnerable groups in the government bodies of the Republic of Armenia, and the indicators of the fulfillment by the Republic of the international obligations related to the current challenges; the recommendations developed by the organization on the issue will also be presented.
The speakers are:
Marina Poghosyan – head of “Veles” human rights NGO
Davit Gyurjyan – advocate
Zaruhi Hovhannisyan – human rights defender